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- gold with rubies
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- goods band white single raised ruby song
- goods band white single raised ruby stone
Earrings Luna
Luna Series Earrings, 18Kt Pink Champagne Gold with Diamonds And Pearl
cod: GOR2561PPendant Luna
Ring Luna
Ring Santorini
Santorini Series Ring, 18Kt Pink Champagne Gold with aqua color Chalcedony
cod: GAN2649PRing Santorini
Santorini Series Ring, 18Kt Pink Champagne Gold with aqua color Chalcedony
cod: GAN2651PPendant Santorini
Santorini Series Pendant, 18Kt Pink Champagne Gold with aqua color Chalcedony
cod: GPE2650PPendant Santorini
Santorini Series Pendant, 18Kt Pink Champagne Gold with aqua color Chalcedony
cod: GPE2652PEarrings Santorini
Santorini Series Earrings, 18Kt Pink Champagne Gold with aqua color Chalcedony
cod: GOR2653PRing Santorini
Santorini Series Ring, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with mystic green Chalcedony
cod: GAN2659JRing Santorini
Santorini Series Ring, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with mystic green Chalcedony
cod: GAN2699JPendant Santorini
Santorini Series Pendant, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with mystic green Chalcedony
cod: GPE2660JPendant Santorini
Santorini Series Pendant, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with mystic green Chalcedony
cod: GPE2700JEarrings Santorini
Santorini Series Earrings, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with mystic green Chalcedony
cod: GOR2661JEarrings Regina Couture
Regina Couture Series Earrings, 18Kt White Ice and Black Lava Gold with Diamonds
cod: GOR3439BPendant Regina Couture
Regina Couture Series Pendant, 18Kt White Ice and Black Lava Gold with Diamonds
cod: GPE3440BRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with Diamond 0.70 ct
cod: GAN3338JRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with Diamonds 1.07 ct
cod: GAN3339JRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with Diamond 0.90 ct
cod: GAN3340JRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt Natural Beige Gold with Emerald and Diamonds
cod: GAN3341NRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt Pink Champagne Gold with Emerald and Diamonds
cod: GAN3405PRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt White Ice Gold with Emerald and Diamonds
cod: GAN3424WRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt White Ice and Natural Beige Gold with green Tourmaline and Diamonds
cod: GAN3501BRing Couture
Couture Series Ring, 18Kt White Ice Gold with Rubellite and Diamonds
cod: GAN3502WFirenze Icon Ring
Firenze Icon Ring
Firenze Icon Ring
Firenze Icon Earrings
Firenze Icon Earrings
Firenze Icon Earrings
Firenze Icon Pendant
Firenze Icon Pendant
Firenze Icon Collier
Ring Cocoon
Cocoon Series Ring, 18Kt White Ice Gold with Tanzanite and Diamonds
cod: GAN3595WT13Pendant Cocoon
Cocoon Series Pendant, 18Kt White Ice Gold with Tanzanite and Diamonds
cod: GPE3637WT13Earrings Cocoon
Cocoon Series Earrings, 18Kt White Ice Gold with Tanzanite and Diamonds
cod: GOR3636WT13Ring Cocoon
Cocoon Series Ring, 18Kt Natural Beige Gold with Emerald and Diamonds
cod: GAN3595NT18Bracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with Diamonds, circumference 17 cm
cod: GBR1249JBracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with Diamonds, circumference 17 cm
cod: GBR2536JBracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt Yellow Sunrise Gold with Diamonds, circumference 17 cm
cod: GBR1936UBracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt White Ice Gold with Diamonds, circumference 17 cm
cod: GBR2537WBracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with Diamonds, circumference 19 cm
cod: GBR1083JBracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt Orange Apricot Gold with Diamonds, circumference 17 cm
cod: GBR2538JBracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt Yellow Sunrise Gold with Diamonds, circumference 17 cm
cod: GBR1943UBracelet Dune
Dune Series Bracelet, 18Kt White Ice Gold with Diamonds, circumference 17 cm
cod: GBR1250W